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Grannies Pool
Blacksmiths, New South Wales

Take the wheelchair accessible ramp, complete with handrails, to where the local grannies swim in this shallow, sandy, tidal pool behind the Blacksmiths Breakwater. This is the sort of place you can sit down calmly and stretch your legs out in the water, all the while keeping an eye on any kids (or grandkids) you might be in charge of as they splash and fossick nearby. Swimming at Grannies Pool Above: Low tide at Grannies Pool (Order this image)

The pool is very shallow, apart from a short deep channel running from the gap in the breakwater wall that lets water move in and out of the pool, and a basin about 30 metres across that fills when the tide comes in. You can swim here, especially at high tide, when the depth increases by about a metre.
One caution is however that there was no net across the gap in the breakwater, so can expect to see marine life from the Lake Macquarie entrance occasionally drifting or meandering into the pool. Being mostly sand, there is very little marine vegetation in the pool. Swimming at Grannies Pool Above: The full extent of Grannies Pool (Order this image)

Water can be seen rushing in and out of the entrance to Lake Macquarie on the change of tides, through the gap in the breakwater wall, which on my visit was overseen by a local cormorant standing duty on the rocks. If anyone ventured out through the gap I think you would swiftly be taken away when the tide is running at its fastest.

You can always tell when an area is popular for swimming when at the end of the day, as I saw, some fossickers come out with a metal detector trying to uncover coins and trinkets left behind in the sand. With a wide ring of sand around the pool, there was plenty of ground for them to cover.
Whilst the beach has lots of room to set up for the day, there are no picnic facilities at Grannies Pool, so if you want to combine your visit with a picnic, there is plenty of lawn area and public bbqs and toilets back at Blacksmiths Playground, about 250 metres away. Swimming at Grannies Pool Above: The gap in the breakwater at Grannies Pool (Order this image)

Here is a video of swimming at Grannies Pool in the early evening at low tide.

Other Information Before You Go:
Location: Unnamed road off Ungala Road, Blacksmiths, 30 km (approx. 30 min drive) south of Newcastle and 140 km (approx. 2 hr drive) north of Sydney.
Latitude:-33.083576 Longitude:151.656535
Getting there: From the Pacific Hwy (A1) at Blacksmiths, head east along Ungala Road until you reach the Blacksmiths Playground. From the playground follow the unnamed road to the east and south for 250 metres. This road has signposts directing drivers to Grannies Pool.

Facilities: Car park, bike path, ramp, park benches, rubbish bins, open air showers. A wider range of facilities (public bbqs, toilets) are available at the Blacksmiths Playground, roughly 250 metres to the north.
Entrance fee: None
Water temperature: Mild
Water clarity: Clear
Under foot: Sand, some rocks including rocks with oyster shells on the breakwater wall.
Maximum water depth: Depends on the tide, but 1 to 2 metres most of the time
Minimum swimming proficiency required: Inexperienced swimmers (under supervision) can swim in the shallows. Note that there is a deep channel and no barrier to the Lake Macquarie entrance at the gap in the breakwater, so keep inexperienced swimmers well away from this area.
Prohibitions including whether you can bring your dog: No camping, no littering, no naked flames, no golf. On the foreshore no motor vehicles, no motor bikes, no horses. Dogs permitted but must be on a lead. There is a range of other fine print on the sign in the car park (e.g. no loitering, no interfering with the safety or conduct of any person, etc.)
Sun shade: No shade in the water. Almost no shade out of the water, so bring your own sunscreen, beach shelter or beach umbrella.
Opening times: Always open
Wheelchair access: Wheelchair accessible path to the edge of Grannies Pool at high tide. Priority parking space for the disabled. There is a wheelchair accessible toilet back at Blacksmiths Playground, 250 metres away.
Accommodation Options: See my accommodation suggestions close to Grannies Pool.
Managing authority: Lake Macquarie City Council
Nearby attractions: Belmont Baths, 6 km to the north.
Before you head out, make sure to read the swimming safety information. There were no specific warnings on site on my visit, but local hazards would potentially include stingrays, marine stingers, sharp edges on the rocks, any other marine life making its way through the gap in the breakwater, and currents moving in and out of the pool.
Locality Map:
The marker indicates the approximate location of the car park at the start of the walking track to Grannies Pool. If the map is not zoomed in locally, as can sometimes occur when loading, simply click or tap on "View Larger Map" below.
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